6 Apr
Did you see me on the telly today? I was quite pleased with how I came across although I don’t think anyone likes seeing themselves on the telly much!
It was very interesting to see the other perspectives, and as a whole i thought it was a very well put together programme.
If you’d like to catch today’s See Hear, looking into different experiences with Cochlear Implants plus previous episodes, you can catch up on iplayer here
Let me know what you think!
5 Responses for "See Hear"
Hi Bryony
I had Cochlear Implant in right ear, my left ear is Beyond repair for ANYTHING. I had to have 2 Operations so I could have Cochlear Implant, 1 a complete Obliteration of entire what was left of inside ear, and 2nd Op was to take skin from my tummy and skin graft ear canal.
The Cochlear implant Op took over 4 hours, after going home and resting as you know, all still the same, but I was getting severe headaches etc and was rushed back into hospital with Menegitis B, even though I had injection pre op.
Well a year went by with going for mapping etc, and I thought I heard something on 1st day I was switched on, but was it Tinnitus.yes I think so.
As year went on I was hearing Nothing at all, so so sad all I wanted was to hear my family and most of all Grandchildren.
Well now 3 weeks has passed since REMOVAL of Cochlear Implant, and things have worsened, I cant stand up because of dizziness, headaches,vision isnt good, i.e balance wont keep things still, now on citalopram for depression 20mg, so far 50/50 not brilliant, although Im told I dont shout anymore, So I guess its calmed my voice that I cant hear.
Yes like yourself we are couple of the RARE ones, I keep asking why didnt it work, whats going on.
I dont even know sign language, I really want to learn BSL so I have some sort of communication with family or someone..cant seem to find a place here down Portsmouth.
Well good luck to you Bryony and wishes to you and family.
Thank you CJ, for commenting. I’m so sorry you’ve had such a hard time of it, it sounds utterly awful. I’m quite fortunate it seems, in that although it didn’t work for me, at least there were no side effects ongoing.
I wish you all the best, and hope something somewhere improves for you. Thank you for getting in touch. If I can offer support in anyway, do not hesitate to contact me. BX
Hi There Bryony,
Saw you on See Hear! Thought you were excellent, everything was well said – well done!!!!
However, I’m thinking today, why does the topic of cochlear implant get lots of press and attention than hearing aids? Through programmes like the one on See Hear has made hearing aids seen as useless and unreliable. I think the programme would have been made very fair if they talked about all aspects of hearing equipment available, the pros and cons, not just letting CI taking all the glory.
I am profoundly deaf and a hearing aid user. I work as a musician for a living, running workshops, teaching in large groups of hearing children.
Personally I think programmes need to be fair in the future, as well as the types of aids audiogist can offer – not just implying that the CI is the only way forward. But of course, I do know that everyone’s hearing loss and situation are unique.
See you Soon B -we must email to make arrangements!!!
I’ve tried the link to watch but looks like I’m too late to see your fame B – I’ll have to agree, I’m sure you were brilliant! You should be proud of everything you’ve accomplished, your 2 kids are a credit to you both!
Paul & Sarah x
HI Bryony
you said (it sounds utterly awful) that is understatement lol, born D in left ear, with phneaumonia, born parralised down left side to arms, Meningitis twice, labrynthectomy, Abscess on the brain I was in coma for 6 months back then, took 2 years get back to best I can, I was 1st person in Uk to have cavity built in ears so discharge doesnt travel up again. Average 2 ops a year since birth now 60 and had 3 Ops in last year. Now waiting for op on left eye nerve damage by ears has caused eye problem lol, Tinnitus LOUD 24/7 Both ears, muscle spasms in face throughout the day..the list is endless theres more but wont bore you with it lol. Im just unlucky with ears some stories you wouldnt believe lol.
Like when about 6 my bro cricket stump in anger but not directly at me lol but pointed end, ended up where yup in left ear it broke off and went in deep Op that night…
Another park im pusjing bro on a swing guess what lol yep swing came back and hit me full on the Left ear bleeding non stop op same night…lol unreal isnt it.
My Consultants have all said I should write a book on my history of ears Ive had them all, oh and my 1st Cochlear 3 years ago I think, they were administering sleep lol I woke up with heart monitor they never done op cos heart went silly phew, they said it was close to heart attack lol, so waited and waited for next Cochlear that failed :-(.
As I said thats only small bit of my history lol.
Good Luck to you….:-)
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